08 September, 2010

This is how we do it

FLORIDA STYLE ........We surprise Brandon's mom that I am here!
We all ride bikes together

We play at water playgrounds for kids
We kayak on the lake together

We ride 4 wheelers

We fish together

We play outside in the rain during the Florida storms

We cook steaks and grilled pineapple
And of COURSE we throw YOGA parties together!!

"So what you wanna do tomorrow?"
"I dunno, what you wanna do? Same thing as we did yesterday?" -Jungle book

Which Brandon has still never seen! I know, I can't believe it. It's a classic!


Kelsey said...

you are soo hot! It was great to talk to you guys :) LOVE YOU!

alana said...

Wish I could have joined you for the yoga party... did you enjoy a japanese ham sandwich as well..? Miss you!

Stacy said...

Best pictures EVER! Man I miss you! Are you home yet? We really need to catch up:)

Miche said...

Looks like fun! :) So what- did you move there or something? how long are you staying?
Speaking of Jungle Book, Maile saw a picture of Mowgli in her book and said, "hey it's Mokiyok!" :)
miss you.