IN BUSINESS ATTIRE!! It was so funny. People were answering cell phones..
"We're late for a meeting"
"It's a race for unemployment!"
"Save our 401k's"
etc etc. We got some pretty crazy looks but it was funny :)
Back to Business!!!
Even the Bishop came!!!
Good job. We love Bishop Glade. He's not even my bishop but remembers I was Trace's mission comp, my work, what I like to do etc etc. He is awesome! I want to be more like that at remembering people and their interests so well.
There were some pretty smokin' bussiness gals there. Let me tell you.
Entrepreneurship! Cool! :)
Running towards the farmers market.
Celebration at gateway.
Of course we road a victory buffalo ride. Smart!
Thanks T-bones for all the good times! Go 401K!
Heids.....that is classic!!! What??? PEEING :)
Takin' care of business. That's pretty much what we do!
That is Hilarious! Only you and tracedog could pull that off! LOVE IT!
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