08 March, 2009

Skiing with the Family...really the greatest snow on earth!

We spent all of our ski/snowboard days up at Snow Basin. I fell in love with this resort because Angela's dad (from Ogden) skis up there everyday. Literally. I have gone with them every year since my mission and it is the best kept secret in Utah for skiing. It was redone for the winter Olympics and the lodge is just plush. Ang and I had to skip our favorite roast beef meal this year however that we usually get from the gourmet chef. We thought it would be best to stick with the sack lunches along side the kids :) Next year Ang!!Look at this powder! I was SO impressed with Chase (11) and Noah (8). They are amazing snowboarders! We hit the powder together and loved going through the trees. It felt like surfing with all the fresh snow. Thanks guys for hangin' with me!
Nice form!!! Brian and Angela Skiing the Olympic downhill.So I thought my brother Brian would be all excited that I was following the kids off the jumps and doing the rails. (They made me do the rails..I couldn't let them down!) Instead of praise I got the lecture of "You need to take it easy Heidi. If you break your wrist your career is over!" Ha! This is coming from the guy who used to film himself doing all the jumps and crazy things on skis and really could have been an olympic skier himself. Oh Brian..you’re all grown up. Ang started calling him 'DJ' for Dennis Junior. Ha ha!
Before I went on this jump I said "oh Brian it's fine, I do it every time I go" He replied with "Well Heidi, make your own choices." I think this came directly from him being in the orthopedic surgery room on a daily basis:)

Me and cute Chase.  He is such an athlete!
Little Elizabeth (5) has no fear.  She just goes right down the mountain and she even came up on the big Gondola.  She is such a fun time.

I took them over to my comps house (thanks Trace) to play guitar hero on tour. The were LOVING it!

Icecream for everyone!

Sunday brunch with the family. Emily, Brian, me, Nate.

All the boys with grandpa Bill. We were so happy he could come up because he has had total hip replacements but is getting around great now!

The Jazz game. Yahoo!

Hannah and Elizabeth were such loud cheerleaders. Go Jazz!

Another day at Snow Basin. This is me taking Liz to her ski lesson. She was like "Bye, I'm going to ski school!" and just goes up to the desk herself. She doesn't even have any inhibitions and is so independent...at 5!

Go Chase!

Good job guys..after 17 years and still in love!

On the way up to the Olympic down hill. My boyfriend in this picture is Gary Nate. We are privileged to ski with him a few times a year. He is Angela's dad's best friend and the film maker of all of the famous Warren Miller ski movies. He, Angela and her dad Kent all came down to Chile to experience skiing the Andes and then they came to Santiago and visited me in my area and helped teach a final discussion to Genaro who was getting baptized that week. It was amazing. We love Gary!

Little Elizabeth and her Pooh bear. This is how we felt every night. So tired! I can see so much of me in her when I was her age. Just look at her facial expression above...I think I still make that one :) It was funny, she has so much energy and it was always her and I that were the last to go to bed. One night Brian said "Oh good this will be funny. I'm just going to leave you two alone and we'll see who wears out the fastest!" Ha ha! Looks like I won!

Well, my family left friday, but wait..saturday was a perfect ski day as well! So I went again. This time to Park City. I was a little tired of snowboarding so I decided to ski. It was a BEAUTIFUL DAY! Skiing is much more physically challenging that snowboarding. My legs were burning a the end of the day!

I went with my friend Steve and some buddies from his ward. Steve's company did some work at the Canyons condo's so we got to go to a free condo that night at relax and eat. It was sweet.

My friend from high school Adam hooked us up with some passes cause he's been ski patrolling there for 10 years or so. Thanks!

My favorite run.

The last few weeks have been such a blast! I'm loving it.


Heidi Ann said...

Sorry Kels it erased your comment when I had to edit the post. You gotta repost it though..Ang will get a kick out of it ;)

Kelly said...

I miss skiing so bad! It has been way to long. I have some great memories skiing with you however and I believe we even peed our pants laughing so hard!

Heidi Ann said...

You know we peed our pants up at Snowbird in our ski lesson! Then you asked the instructor "So has anyone ever peed their pants in a lesson?" He was all grossed out and said something like "I don't know. I hope not!" Ha ha

Stacy said...

Where did you get those poles?! They're amazing;) I can't believe those shop rats told you my skis were too old...WHATEVER!!!

You're one gorgeous ski bunny.

Richard and Emily said...

I totally agree about Snow Basin being the best kept secret in utah! We went last Saturday and had a blast! I love it there.

Bullard Family said...

Hey!!!! I miss skiing so much. We'll have to go next year...TIGHT!! My mom, dad, and sis are ruuning the Logan half with me you should totally do it. That would be so fun. I think you can still sign up. Also, do you know any good places to rent in Murray. I want a good nighborhood for my kids, and probably 3 bedrooms. Keep an eye out for me. My mom is going to check out some places for us this coming week so let me know if you know anywhere we should look. Tight. Thanks. Love ya...ummm you know we will be hitting the gym ar 5 am if I live in Murray!