15 September, 2008

"Too fat"

As most of you know, this is a family quote that was made famous by Ro. Whenever my mom would tell him to do something he would say "I'm too fat to get up, too fat to mow the lawn, too fat to go to church etc." It's so funny so now we all say "too fat" when we are basically too lazy or don't want to do something. This weekend I went to the USU Utah game with Beccs and as we were making "too fat" comments her little sis said "I don't really like that". I was like what? I guess it could be a little offensive..you probably just need to know Ro then you would understand:)

Anyways the thing that I am "Too fat" right now for is BIKRAM YOGA! It is a hot sweaty room of 108 with humidity and you do hard yoga for 1 1/2 hours. I've been known to "look like I've been hit by a truck" when im done. It is really hard to say the least. Anyways I took my mission comp Trace dog a month or so ago and she saw this "30 day challenge" thing. It is you go everyday for a month (not sunday). Anyways I told her there was NO WAY I could go everyday. Too hard and too fat:) Well, after some thinking and coaxing we decided to do it! We started Sept. 1 to go to Oct. 1. So now it's TWO WEEKS DOWN AND TWO TO GO! I can't believe we've stuck to it. So hard. But then again when ever we have a hard time and say 'too fat' we remember that we did a mission ...and nothing is as hard and exhausting as that!

Here's the website if your curious : http://www.bikramyoga.com

We were laughing so hard taking pics of us doing some poses. Good times


Kelsey said...

I was dying at first I thought you took a camera to class! peeing.
You know I'll come with you one of these days........too fat.
I hate it when people take it literally, makes me feel awkward!

Stacy said...

I'm PEEING KELSEY! I know exactly what you mean. It is very awkward when you through out "too fat", and someone thinks your being literal! There like "No, you're not too fat!" Heidi, if you keep going to that class you're going to disappear!..."too skinny"

Stacy said...

Remember the too fat polka?!

Heidi Ann said...

"I don't want her, you can have her she's too fat for me, she's too fat for me. She's a twosome, she's a foursome, if she'd lose some I'd love her more some more some!"

For all of you that don't know these are lyrics to a 1920's song called "The TOO FAT POLKA" I was DYING when i heard it but now when i sing it to my patients they all know it and LOVE IT and sing along. I'm like "That is mean!" and they insist that it's funny and every one loved it and sang along. Sounds like the tact that they use in Chile:)

Alana said...

I am DIEING at this post! LOL! You know I can relate. I am so proud of you for doing the challenge... I would be TOO FAT to join in on this one! We need to catch a class together ASAP. The torture chamber is calling my name, you know I'm going to go sweat it out tonight :). LOve YOU & GOOD JOB!

missy d said...

Too funny! You guys are freaking AWESOME for doing that 30 day challenge! I'm with Kels...too fat. But YOU GO GIRLS!

Kelly said...

Hey miss Heidi! I am so glad you updated your post. I love yoga as well...but I hate the heat. Way to go!!! Now you have follow through with it because us blog stalkers will be watching....love you to death

Lumpy said...

congratulations! im proud of you for making it. ... so are you going to turn vegan now that your a big yoga hippie? just kidding.

Stacy said...

I MISS YOU HEIDS!!! You better be coming tonight (Cheesecake). When do I have the privilege of doing your brows again!? I need to see your face!

Anonymous said...

You look so tiny! I need to work out. I have become so lazy over the last year. One day...

Matt and Melody Odell said...

I was so excited to find that you did a new post! I love being able to see how your doing and what crazy new adventure you are conquering. I love the yoga challenge. I am definitely "too fat" right now for that. Love you Heids, you gotta meet Corban, I think we might be in Utah (park city) for Thanksgiving so we'll have to stop by and say hi.