28 January, 2010

Night at the theatre

Best. Movie.  EVER!!!  
Coming out February 05, 2010
I was lucky enough to randomly go see the sneak preview of this movie tonight.  I know, so sappy, and girly, but I cried my eyes out!    Oh no people, not just at one sad part or another, but throughout the WHOLE thing.  I think it's because I related to this movie on so many levels.  

Autism, people you care about in the war, 9/11, falling in love on the beach, timing never being right with the person you love, missing someone so bad it hurts, TRUE LOVE.  Sorry if this is a bit cheesy.  Give me a break, I just got out of the movie.  Can't wait to see what you all think.  

It was funny because all day I was thinking "I just want to watch a movie tonight."  I then randomly got invited to this sneak preview and then right after I got out, Beccs invited me to go see 


I will let you know that I had already seen it and yes, I went again.  Two movies back to back.  Different theaters.  Way good times.  

I have to say that I am semi-obsessed with this lead guy from Wales (my ancestors are from Wales!).  Every 5 minutes I would let the whole theatre know how much I liked him:)  Beccs was like "He is perfect for you. Sarcastic and 'cool', but sweet and hot and a foreigner."  It's true!  I will do the honors!  Please bless I marry him.  Cross your fingers :)

Anyways, just giving you a heads up on the upcoming movie....what are you all excited to see?  When in Rome?  Valentines day?  Dear John?  :)


Kelsey said...

We are hitting up Iggs and seeing everyone of those movies......on the same day :)
I love Dear John (book) CANNOT wait 'til Feb 5th! I knew you would like it! Let's go.....I'll bring the kleenex for sure. love you

ROSIE said...

The book was so good!! But so sad!! I for sure want to see it. 2 movies in one night. I barely get to see 2 movies a year!! :)

Miche said...

ha ha- it's been way to long!! I can just hear you saying "Best movie...EVER!" I love shows where you bawl your eyes out. :) I'll have to go see it.
p.s. I was giggling the whole time through your "it's fine" post. you crack me up!

Phil and Jill Porter said...

Ok so I'm probably the only girl in the world that hates the notebook, so people keep saying "it's just like the notebook but better" gives me little hope for this movie. Sorry everybody. Who knows maybe I'll like it. I feel like it has stuff i can relate to. (call me heids and I'll tell you what)

I do want to see valentines day though, can't wait! Obsessed with Taylor Laudner

Alana said...

two movies in one night = tightness! Love it. Can't wait to see either one of those shows!

Kelsey said...

Jill didn't like The Notebook?????? Ummmm......not sure we can be friends ;)

Unknown said...

Heids- you totally made me want to see Dear John so I'm going on Friday night with a few girlfriends...wish the BFF could be there too! Love and miss your guts!